Moduloplate™ Scale Dimensions


SBS-Plate format that simply fits your robotic platform:



Moduloplate™ Scale is specifically designed in standard SBS-Plate format in order to be managed by your robotic platform as any other microplates.

Moduloplate™ requires a small footprint on your platform and avoids use of laboratory classic balance oversized.

Its dedicated design fits most of usual microplates that will simple stand on top of the device.

Moduloplate™ is stackable and robotic arms are ready for maximum of mobility and flexibility.


Moreover, its size allows it to take over any microplate format

Moduloplate Scale with microplates 96 Wells

Moduloplate Scale with microplates 384 Wells
Moduloplate Scale with microtubes
Microplates 96 Wells           Microplates 384 Wells         Microtubes